R&S Szczecin





Fireplace wood

szkutnictwo szczecin, tworzywa sztuczne szczecin
  • tel/fax
  • tel kom.
  • e-mail
  • +48 (91) 421 53 20
  • +48 501 173 132de
  • +48 507 025 874
  • rs@rs.szczecin.pl
Our company has existed since 2001, but we are present in this branch much more longer. We have gained our experience in the plants constructing yachts and motor boats, both in the country and abroad. Our team consists of professional boatbuilders and laminating experts. While realizing the order we put all the efforts so that our customers received high quality product they expect. We offer professional services in the range of boatbuilding and plastics processing.

R&S company means boatbuilding, plastics, quality and our customers’ satisfaction....
szkutnictwo szczecin

Boats construction

Our company deals with constructing boats from , which enables obtaining the most sophisticated shapes...
tworzywa sztuczne szczecin

Teak Decks construction

We produce teak wood decking, which make the boat look exclusive and professional...

budowa łodzi

The boat inside development

The boat inside development – we develop the boat inside, adjusting it to the owner’s individual needs...  
budowa form

Boats form construction

We make forms and feet of:
- Boats (hull, deck)
- Boat’s elements (fairings, platforms, consoles)
stal nierdzewna

Stainless steel

Our metal workers will make every shape from stainless stee...
We offer fireplace wood
  • cheap fireplace wood
  • high quality
  • low prices